get this gear!
Click on a name to read a real story from a real person.
Jimmie Marie click on the name to read the full story
"What it has meant to me to find Jesus. I've always known there was a heaven. Look at all the miracles of births, miracles of all the different animals, plants, ect. But I've never been able to reach out... My goodness what have I been missing!"
9-10-49 to 7-1-00
Jamie Corder click on the name to read the full story
"I'm writing to tell you about the most awesome experience of my life!... God touched me, God changed me. I finally turned my life over to him, to live only how he wishes me to live."
July 14, 2000
Ashley Honea click on the name to read the full story
"4 months after my baptism... I found out I had a rare form of cancer called Osteosarcoma. I couldn't understand why God was letting this happen to me... I was a new Christian, wasn't life supposed to be perfect?"
May 7, 2000
Chet Smith click on the name to read the full story
"I began to try and live as a Christian... began wearing a WWJD bracelet... I began using drugs. My stoner friends offered me drugs and I took them... Mac Powell asked us to take a look at our lives and make decisions... we all prayed."
March 24, 2000
Micheal Whitehead click on the name to read the full story
"I was an atheist. Life was going extremely well... Then one-day things came crashing down... I was continually having suicide thoughts, and on top of that my friends shunned me. I lost everything. Then, I began to remember a time when I was truly satisfied."
January 7, 2000
Brian Kubiak click on the name to read the full story
"It seems that every time I display my true self they don't like it so I hid behind a wall of silence and half-truths... I started questioning more than ever."
March 4, 2000
Matt Swaim click on the name to read the full story
"I still knew all of the church answers, but didn't base my life around what I was taught... God let me know it was time to finally put my focus of attention on Him."
March 10, 2000
Kevin Barrett click on the name to read the full story
"I thought, 'If I could just immerse myself in this church, I'll be as happy as they are. That's all it takes.' The only thing I absorbed in a year was the knowledge that what they had was Jesus... I abandoned trying to find a way to make God's will fit my life, and found a way for my life to fit God's will."
February 27, 2000
Your Name Here click on the name to read the full story
A short abreviation of your testimony will appear here. No words will be changed, or the meaning, but I will do my best to communicate the same message you give me with your own words.
Month dd, yyyy

I want to remind everybody that these are honest confessions from people I know. They aren't here for glamour, prestige, or pride, but think of them as Consumer Reports user test feedback or something.


Tell me your story! Please include your name and e-mail address; Christ calls us publicly.

Copyright Kevin Barrett, January 22, 2000