get this gear!
Brian Kubiak's Testimony

I guess I became a Christian in '99 but ever since then I can't stop questioning about religion, God and humanity. I guess that the real reason that prevents me from growing closer to God is my constant questioning and the music I listen to. But in order to truly know where I started you'll have to turn back the clock to '98 or '97. I was a pagan at the time, not knowing and not caring about salivation, caring only about myself.

The change over time was slow and gradually. In'98 I figured that there was no God so I became an atheist but I adopted a few Christian morals and ideals because I was an honorable man. Then I stopped taking the lord's name in vain (this probably the starter for the events that took place later on) all at once. One day, New Year's eve in '98, somebody pointed me in the right direction. Then as time progressed I made moves toward learning more about Christianity. This was a relatively fast process. Then, at a Student Life conference in Fort Worth, it wa s a 2-day function. The first day really moved me forward but it was the next day that it all came together. The person asked the crowd that if any had any prayer requests (this is a vague memory) to move into the isles with the youth Minster. I followed. It was the next few minutes that felt like an eternity in the center of the mind. We all gave prayer request but when it was my turn to ask, I said "I never really knew God or Christ and I was hoping that this day would open my eyes." They took my request to heart and the youth minister pulled me aside and told me a few verses. This was the time that I prayed for Christ to come into my heart (a good move but one I would come to question down the line).

This was the time, I finally did it. It took me 2 years to make the final move. I felt good about myself. For awhile nothing happened 'till sometime in April, I told the youth group what music I like which was metal. They didn't like that and ever since they have shut me out. Some have tried to change my views but they didn't do a thing. I'm still a hard-line metalhead; more so than ever. For a while not much happened, every once in awhile they tried to change me but it really didn't work and I didn't care.

During July, I went to a Christian youth camp. It was nice, but I still was on my guard. It seems that every time I display my true self they don't like it so I hid behind a wall of silence and half-truths. It was during this time that the greatest attack on my old ways occurred. At least one person a day tried to change me but resistance got even more furious. Sometimes I went out to think but they sent somebody with me to analyze me, it sucked (the person who created the page I'm sending this to will tell you different). During the last day of the camp, I told this girl that I wanted to become Catholic. She flipped out and started praying for me; to this day I still don't know why she did that. That was the last of camp.

For a long while nothing happened. I bought a metal CD (old 70's metal) that aroused my thinking. I started questioning more than ever (December'99). For about 2 or 3 weeks I started thinking that the bulk of the youth group didn't care about me (I was probably right). Still, I was invited to a New Year's party. I brought a tape player to the party and for most of the time I listened to tapes. Some got a little mad while others didn't care. My best friend opened my mind to free thinking, I began to analyze and think about subjects like God, religion, humanity, drugs, music etc.

This pretty much brings you up to time. March '00. There are events that happened which I chose not to speak on, if you have any questions email me at

The truth about me,

--Brian Kubiak

My Commentary

Brian indicated that I was one of those giving him trouble, and said I would probably deny it. I won't. This is hard to put into words, but I know what I've done is wrong. As discples, we should know that we can't change people, and that only the Spirit can reach people that way.

If I think there is something wrong with what he is doing, it is something I should verify with scripture before I approach him. I and my friends should never have assaulted him if we saw him dwelling in a bad habit, and we deffinitely should not have shut him out. Here's the answer:

God gives us so much love, even when we make our mistakes. He loves a disciple no more and no less than he loves the metal-heads at school, or the preps, or the losers, or whatever group we are foolish enough to alienate with silly labels. Why can't we overflow with the the love he gives us? It's not as if it's a limited supply. I know there's some one you exclude or just don't reach out to; ask yourself "Why?" and try to figure out if there's a reason why they shouldn't know the love God gives us.
