get this gear!
Jamie Corder's Testimony

Hey everybody, I'm writing to tell you about the most awesome experience of my life! I just returned home from SONDAYS camp, a baptist camp in Cedar Hill Texas. I had the two most spiritual experiences of my entire life.

The first was leading the lost. God used me. He used me to help the lost become found. It is truly an amazing feeling to see God's work be done in you. Second was a little thing called The Concert of Prayer. 3000 teenagers became weapons in the spiritual battle between Our Savior and Lord, and the devil. Imagine if you can, 3000 teens being quiet for an hour and a half. Then, add to that, for that entire hour and a half, every one of those teens prayed out loud to God. For the entire 90 minutes, our worship center was filled with thousands of hearts praising God and praying for anything they were led to pray for.

Now, comes the most exciting thing, God touched me, God changed me. I finally turned my life over to him, to live only how he wishes me to live. In order for that to happen, I had to die inside, as he died for me. I had to turn away from my wicked ways. I have died, and now I truly live. I deserve nothing less than hell for my sins, but through God's grace, I know that I will receive the kingdom of heaven... because Jesus, my Lord and Savior, lives, and he lives inside of my very heart today!

Love in Christ,


My Commentary

When I got this from Jamie I coyuldn't believe my eyes! This is absolutely the hand of God at work here! I, as anyone else, can see that Jamie is literally a new creation in Christ. In the week since I got this from Jamie, I've made at least twenty different refferences to him: "Man, Jamie's on fire!"

Now, I know what you're thinking, you've been to a youth camp and had the same fire, yet it died out. I know, I've been there, too. Here's the remarkable thing though, the step that makes a difference in the transition between youth camp life-styles and home life-styles. Jamie is taking action. His music has changed... anything that had a phrase or an idea that didn't glorify God, he's sold. This is a very universal question when it comes to letting Christ change your life. You have to look at things, put them into focus, and decide, "Is this going to bring attention to God, or tear him down?"

Just read your Bible, you can't be a friend to the world and to God. You cannot serve two masters, or you will love one and hate the other (Matthew 6:24). Also consider who your master is and look at this verse in Romans for yourself, chapter 14, verse 4. Who makes you stand? Is your country music making you stand? Is your money making you stand? I promise you Jamie's God is making him to stand, and will continue to make him stand as long as Jamie makes nothing else his master.
